The Fillmores have been farming in Gridley since 1917. Over the years the family has grown peaches, walnuts and a number of open field crops. We started planting our latest walnut orchards in 1998. Our walnut orchards are young and will be at full production in the next few years. We are a certified organic grower. Our walnut trees thrive from organic compost and other organic soil amendments. We also foliar feed the trees several times each year. This combined with other organic, earth friendly, common sense farming practices has produced clean, high yielding orchards.

Our walnuts are grown in Northern California, one of the top English Walnut growing regions in the world. Nestled in the northern Sacramento Valley between the Feather and Sacramento Rivers and in the shadow of the Sutter Buttes, the climate, soil and water supply all combine to provide a wonderful growing environment. Combined with our emphasis on organic nutritional value, these walnuts provide a tasty, healthful treat.

Walnut Harvest
Harvest in California is in October. It is the most demanding time of year for us. From childcare to driving equipment, the whole family works as a team. We have outfitted our equipment with custom lighting to be able to harvest around the clock when rain is in the forecast. After each harvest our equipment is cleaned and returned to the shop where throughout the winter months we make custom modifications to streamline the next harvest.

Vertical Integration
Farming, harvesting, hulling, drying, shelling, marketing, shipping….food processing plant, a year-a-round operation.

Organic Walnuts
In addition to being grown with our existing organic farming methods, a portion of our crop is dried at ambient air temperature (ambient air-dried). We believe this helps preserve the flavor and nutritional content of the raw walnut.

Agricultural Legacy
Great-great grandpa Harvey passed the farm to his son Raymond who grew peaches, who then passed the farm to his son Gerald. Gerald’s widow Brit is keeping the day to day operations running smoothly.